Ricardo Bueno is by far, one of THE best real estate trainers in the business! He gave our agents a wealth of information on dozens of ways to increase their business. Our agents were absolutely thrilled and anxious to have him back.”
Carole Lynch, Office Manager, Realty One Group West
Hi, I’m Ricardo Bueno. I’m the Head of Partnerships & Events at Follow Up Boss, the #1 CRM for high-producing agents and teams.
You can connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
The path that led me here still seems a little unlikely, and a little crazy, but it’s given me a unique perspective, and allows me to build deeper, trust-based relationships.
While I have coached thousands of real estate agents and brokers on how to successfully implement marketing strategies and technology into your business systems, my ability to teach is a direct result of my passion to learn.
This is my superpower.
In addition to spending quality time with my wife and new baby girl, this is what I love to do. This isn’t work for me, it’s go time!
I help realtors stop chasing leads …
When you first get started in real estate, you chase leads, day in and day out.
You might go to conferences and networking events, play email tag with referrals, and post on social media like a nut.
You might get a client here and there, but it’s nothing to celebrate about.

I Specialize In Marketing & Technology for the Real Estate Industry. I Help Real Estate Professionals Create Systems & Generate Leads.

What others are saying:
Head of Partnerships & Events at Follow Up Boss
Previous Experience:
’18 – ’21
Marketing Technology Director at WEST, a Williston Financial Company
I trained real estate agents and brokers on how to implement technology and marketing strategies to help them grow their business.
’16 – ’17
National Trainer at W+R Studios – makers of Cloud CMA
I’m the National Trainer at W&R Studios – makers of Cloud CMA and Cloud Streams.
’12 – ’13
VP of Real Estate Solutions at Copyblogger Media
I helped launch AgentPress, an online real estate marketing platform that allowed real estate agents to build secure, fast, beautiful hyperlocal websites loaded with high-converting copy, and a compatible IDX feed.
My present team and I recently designed and launched a hyperlocal website at YourBerkeley.com modeling several of the same strategies we implemented when launching AgentPress. This website launched in April of 2014 and now generates 10,000+ monthly site visitors and has resulted in 2 listings, and multiples buyers.
(The Copyblogger Team and I at our company retreat in Houston, Texas)
’10 – ’12
Online Marketing Manager at Diverse Solutions
I managed the digital strategy for Diverse Solutions. During my time I hosted hundreds of webinars and wrote dozens of blog posts on how to effectively and efficiently generate online leads through the use of IDX. I also wrote all of the training and documentation for all of Diverse Solution’s products.
I’ve presented at dozens of conferences including real estate barcamps acting as brand ambassador and to this day highly recommend their product.
Hosted REBarCamp Los Angeles
REBarCamp is an un-conference dedicated to helping people understand the world of social media and it’s application to business. Attendees learned, collaborated and shared new ideas on things like blogging, video-blogging, social networking for business in real estate, affiliate marketing and more.
(CC) Morgan Brown. growthhackers.com and unlockinggrowth.com
Some random facts about me and the things I enjoy:
- I love to run (more about that below)
- I used to play basketball in a league every weekend but then I hurt my lower back during a championship game (the good news is we won, but I can’t really play any more)
- I’ve been snowboarding for over 12 years
- I love to read and lately I find myself buying books on Kindle though I love a good ol’ fashioned hard-cover book
- I listen to music when I’m working – it helps me focus (usually Benny Bennassi, DJ Afrojak or Dada Life on Pandora)
- Creative Recreation is my new favorite brand of shoes
- I used to run in Nike’s, but I’ve come along way since then … now I don’t run in anything but Brooks (I have a pair of trail and street shoes)
- I started a bowling team in college once (true story) – but we only played for a year because we couldn’t find a coach to travel to tournaments against other schools
- I LOVE the rain which is strange since I live in Laguna Beach and it’s mostly sunny here – I’d much rather be in Seattle or Chicago where it rains more often
- I speak fluent in movie quotes (some of my favorites: Snatch, The Big Lebowski, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction)
- I hate voicemail … In fact, I tell people not to leave me a voicemail on my voicemail message and 50% of the time, they still leave me a voicemail
- I like to laugh a lot … It’s not a nervous tick or anything like that, I’m just always smiling and apparently I find a lot of sh*t funny
- I used to have an awesome DVD collection (well over 200 movies) … but I lost half of them when I moved from college, then another half when I moved a second time … and then yet another half when I moved again (sigh)
I ran my first half marathon in November of 2012 and I’ve run several more marathons since then. I prefer to run outdoors on the trails and I write about my running adventures here: ricardobueno.net.
About This Blog:
I’ve been helping real estate professionals build lead generating real estate blogs since 2008. Naturally, that means I write a lot about online marketing strategies for real estate. But a lot of the strategies I share are also applicable to entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to learn how to utilize blogs, social media, and technology to build their brand presence and generate leads online.
You can subscribe via RSS here or via email here.
Follow me on Twitter and Google+.
Get blog updates by email:
This blog is all about delivering actionable marketing advice to help real estate agents and brokers succeed.
If you’re an entrepreneur or run a small business and are looking for strategies to generate more traffic, more leads, and convert visitors into customers, this blog is for you.
Here’s my promise to you:
1.) I will never spam you and will always respect your privacy.
2.) Every article will serve up tactics that you can use today to grow your business. Some of them will have real estate specific case studies, but the advice is directly applicable to any industry.
3.) The articles I write here are crafted to teach and to engage. I’m here to help you apply what you’re learning so that you can find success with these strategies in your own business.
Ready to get started? Just enter your email below …
Event Photos:
LinkedOC Event with Seth Godin
Speaking at Inman Real Estate Connect San Francisco, 2011
Panel: Content Creation & Curation
Moderator: Katie Lance, Director of Social Media for Inman News
Panelists: Kristin Maynard (Direct of Marketing for Avery Hess REALTORS®), Mike Klass (Co-Founder & CTO of Zite), and me (Ricardo Bueno-VP of Real Estate Solutions for Copyblogger Media)
Speaking at CAR Expo 2011 (Photo Credit: Agent Evolution)
Speaking at CAR Expo 2011 (Photo Credit: Agent Evolution)
Speaking at the North San Diego County Young Professionals Association 2012
Session Title: 7 Harsh Realities of Content Marketing for Real Estate
Attending and Presenting at REBarCamp Las Vegas 2012
Speaking at REBlogWorld Las Vegas 2010 with Stacey Harmon
Speaking at the X-Plode Real Estate Conference, 2011
BHGRE Interview with Wendy Forsythe at NAR 2010
Speaking at the Pacific West Association of REALTORS Triple Play Event
Leading a Class at the Pacific West Association of REALTORS
Interviewed on Blogworld Radio 2009
Backstage at Cirque du Soleil’s Mystere in Las Vegas