Yesterday’s #blogchat included special guest and copywriting/content extraordinaire, Brian Clark (author of The subject for the evening was “how to create more compelling blog content” and thus what inspired this blog post.
Whether you’re writing a short post with one main point, or a long post with a main point and several supporting case studies, your post(s) should contain the following basic elements in order for you to knock it outta the park: Good Title, Supporting Image(s), a Main Point, and a closing Call To Action.
1. Have a good title.
To quote Brian Clark from
Titles are the most important thing. Not the only thing by a long shot, but attention lives and dies there. – Brian Clark via #blogchat
Your headline is your opportunity to make a great first impression and captivate a readers attention. When you share links on Twitter for example, the 140 character Tweet and your post’s headline is your chance to grab someone’s attention enough to make them want to click on the article and read it. If you have a poorly written headline, you’re not going to convert the click-through.
Pick up a copy of your local newspaper and or a magazine and skim through their headlines. Newspapers sell headlines! Needless to say they’ve mastered the art. Focus on improving yours and you’ll capture more people’s attention.
Recommended Reading: Headline Writing Tips
2. Have a good image.
Each of your blog posts can be significantly improved by adding an image to it. Why? Because images tell stories. Images make your content easier to read. You can find lots of great images from Flickr (just be sure to give a photo credit and attribution by linking the photo back to the original source). Frankly, this is better than using stock photography.
Recommended Reading: Give Each Blog Post A Pretty Face with Flickr
3. Focus on ONE main point and deliver it.
Before you hit “Publish” on your next blog post, apply the “Who gives a s**t rule?!” (Credit to 1000WattConsulting) In other words, if I’m your reader, why would I care about this blog post? What problem is it solving? Basically, does it have a point or are you just rambling with no clear sense of direction?
Your blog post(s) should have at least one main point. When you write, focus on delivering that one main point. If you find that you’re going off topic and discussing varying points, consider breaking your blog posts up into a series of posts (this makes your content sticky).
4. Close with a CALL TO ACTION.
What do you want your readers to do when they’re finished reading? Do you want them to comment? Do you want them to subscribe? Do you want them to subscribe to your email newsletter? Do you want them to purchase something? What do you WANT THEM TO DO? Close your post with a Call To Action asking them to do just that.
What would you add?
What do you think makes up a good blog post? Where do you get your images? When you’re writing your posts, do you start with the Title or outline of the blog post first?
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Hi Ricardo
You've covered the main points.
What would I add?
Possibly… give the readers some great content.
Write as well as you can, get someone to read it and give you some feedback and then hit that big Publish button.
Then start promoting your post all over the web.
Agreed! Doesn't get you very far without great content. The question you have to ask yourself is: What problem am I solving for my readers? Then, seek to be helpful and give it your best.
Then, share it openly across the web! The last point I failed to add: Promotion!