“Not doing what you love is more dangerous than anything. Why aren’t you doing what matters to you right now?” – @nametagscott
I’ve decided that speaking is one of my passions and this upcoming week, I’m very fortunate to be attending and speaking at two awesome events in Denver, Colorado: Real Estate WordCamp and the REALTOR® Rally.
If you’re going to be at either of these two events, send me a Tweet, @Ribeezie or connect with me on Facebook. I’d love to meet you!
Real Estate WordCamp 2010:
Real Estate WordCamp is organized by Todd Carpenter, the Manager of Social Media for the National Association of REALTORS®. It’s basically a one-day conference for users and developers of the WordPress platform and in this case it’s real estate specific (after all, WordPress is more and more becoming a huge player as both a blogging platform and a listing publication solution). So basically, this event will be all about how to do real estate better on the web by using and mastering WordPress.
There will be three track’s to choose from throughout the day:
Blogger’s Track: Creating content, attracting visitors from the web, and converting visitors into clients.
Tech Tools Track: Integrating content like property searches, valuation tools, and market statistics into a WordPress powered web platform.
Developers Track: Where advanced end users, consultants, and web developers cover topics like A/B testing, API integration, IDX solutions and more.
Show-time is on Monday, April 12th from 8:00 – 5:00pm a the Denver PPA Event Center. I take the stage from 3:00 – 3:30 for a content session in the Blogger’s Track on how to fire up your blogging.
The very next day I’m off to speak at the REALTOR® Rally at the Colorado Convention Center. The Rally is going to be pretty awesome. It’s one day of Colorado’s top speaking talents presenting education sessions relevant to today’s agent and I’m honored to be amongst the list of speakers there. It’ll be a day packed with case studies, tech tips, marketing techniques and so much more.
The event itself is rather large (an estimated ~3,000+ REALTORS®). Around 200 Exhibitors will be there showcasing the latest real estate industry tools, services and programs. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to scour the exhibit hall for the good stuff.
I’ll be leading two sessions here:
Blogging As A Strategic Real Estate Marketing Tool – Room 404 from 8:30 – 9:30am
Beyond the Basics: Local Niche Blogging & Lead Generation – Room 404 from 12:30 – 1:30pm
My guess is that I’ll be live-tweeting and blogging a lot of material from both of these events so check back in the day-of for some good content. And if you’re gonna be there, well, I’m more than definitely looking forward to meeting you!
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Wow, Ricardo…looks like you've got a full and exciting schedule! Any plans to have a Real Estate Word Camp in our neck of the woods (SoCal) anytime in the near future?
It's going to be a fun, busy and exciting week! No REWC LA but the group and I have been discussing REBCLA part two. Otherwise, I've been hosting workshops at the Pacific West Association of REALTORS® in Anaheim on various topics.
Hope you're doing well! So great to see you here… 🙂
Wow, Ricardo…looks like you've got a full and exciting schedule! Any plans to have a Real Estate Word Camp in our neck of the woods (SoCal) anytime in the near future?
It's going to be a fun, busy and exciting week! No REWC LA but the group and I have been discussing REBCLA part two. Otherwise, I've been hosting workshops at the Pacific West Association of REALTORS® in Anaheim on various topics.
Hope you're doing well! So great to see you here… 🙂