Last night’s #blogchat was co-hosted by the amazing Becky McCray and it was all about small business blogging. How do you know if a blog is right for you? How do you get started? How do you determine what you’re going to write about? How do you promote your content online? How much of that content should you give away for free and at what point do you draw the line between free vs paid?
We talked about all of these things and more during last night’s #blogchat. If you’ve ever participated in a blog chat by the way, you know that it all goes pretty fast. So today, as a follow up to last night’s chat, I wanted to share an ebook self-study course by my good friend Anabel Candy, author of
Successful Blogging in 12 Simple Steps:
If you’re a small business blogger, a solo-preneur, a freelancer trying to build your business online, this book is just for you. It’s a step-by-step guide for building your blog, generating purposeful content, and engaging your readers to generate business. Each chapter is riddled with How To’s, Action Steps and Check-Lists to make sure that you’re doing everything right.
Priced at just $29.99, Successful Blogging in 12 Simple Steps is the easiest way to launch your blog (or relaunch it) and get the results you’re hoping for. Here’s what’s covered in the ebook…
Step 1: Topics & Goals
This chapter covers defining your niche, setting proper goals and identifying your audience.
Step 2: Branding
In this chapter you’ll cover how to develop a strong consistent image for your business on the web.
Step 3: Planning Your Blog
This chapter will help you review the essential elements of what goes into a great blog design.
Step 4: Blog Set Up
Here, you’ll review how to effectively use WordPress as an effective Contact Management System.
Step 5: Writing Static Content
In this chapter you’ll cover copywriting techniques for building your About page and other landing pages.
Step 6: Writing Blog Posts
In this chapter your learn techniques for writing effective blog posts. You’ll also review techniques for generating posts ideas and outlining content.
Step 7: Writing for the Web
Here you’ll learn how to format your blog to make it easy for readers to read, view and shrae your content.
Step 8: Reality Check & Adding Value
This is the part where you review your blog and ask yourself, “how am I adding value to my readers? Am I answering their basic needs and concerns?”
Step 9: Blogging & Social Media
Here you’ll cover social networking techniques for driving new traffic and attracting new readers to your blog.
Step 10: Online Networking
Here you’ll cover effective techniques for connecting with other bloggers and online influencers to drive new traffic to your site.
Step 11: SEO, Stats & Rating Progress
In this chapter you’ll cover the basics of Search Engine Optimization and other important analytics for measuring your progress.
Step 12: Guest Posting
Here you’ll cover one of the most effective ways spreading your message and driving new traffic to your site.
How the Course Works:
The ebook is delivered as a PDF that you can print out or read on your computer (or iPad) or listen to as an audiobook if you prefer listening. Each step has:
- A Thinking Point – the essential blogging information that you need to know.
- An Action Step – to get you on track with your blogging goals and objectives.
- A Checklist – so you don’t forget anything important.
So if you’re ready to get started head on over to Success Blogging and pick up your copy to start blogging (effectively) today!
Thanks Ricardo 🙂 Short and to the point