Starting one thing after another doesn't make you committed. Trying one new app after another doesn't always improve your technical skill-sets (it confuses them). Joining one new social network after ...
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Starter Steps: Do’s and Don’ts
Hope isn't a strategy. You don't start a blog (or setup a Fan Page) and think, "I hope this goes well." It's wishful thinking, but it's not much of a plan. So what do you do? Where do you start? ...
Thanks #ROWAOR
Thanks ROWAOR for a GREAT event today! It was a fabulous turn-out, an energetic bunch and a great location. As I said during my presentation, make a deadline to commit to implement at least (3) three ...
Rim O’ the World Association of REALTORS®
Today I'm speaking at the Rim O' the World Association of REALTORS®. We're talking how to get found using Google, Social Media and Blogs (the foundation for "Inbound Marketing"; my favorite book on ...
Nobody Cares
Nobody cares about your awesome new product or service. It's true. They don't. People care about themselves and about finding solutions to their everyday problems. If your product doesn't fit as a ...
How To Deal with Friend Requests
Naturally, people are going to have their own system for doing things. These are just some of the ways I do it across differing networks. Some of you might agree. Some of you might disagree. Let's ...
30 Days of Facebook
It goes without saying that Facebook has been changing A LOT lately. From home-page layout to the way things function and changing privacy policies. We're all experiencing the changes and we're all ...
Using Social Media Offline
As much as the online social networking world connects us, I think that we sometimes forget that face-to-face counts for a lot too. That's how business was traditionally done and that's still very ...
How to Add A Custom Favicon to Your WordPress Blog
A favicon is a small graphic/image that is associated with a page or a website. Most website favicons are designed as a smaller image of the site's logo or other branding. The name favicon ...
T3: Today’s Tech Trends
Yesterday was the #epic #140Conf LA Meetup hosted by @EricGreenspan and @JeffPulver. If you missed out, don't worry, rumor has it there will be another #140Conf meetup before the actual #140Conf in ...
Social Media Revolution 2
Erik Qualman, author of Socialnomics: How social media transforms the way we live and do business (affiliate link), just released a refreshed version of his infamous Social Media Revolution video ...
A Quick and Informal Twitter Networking Guide
I love Twitter (I think several of you would agree). We all use it in varying ways: share, broadcast, consume, crowdsource information, connect, etc. However you use it, if it's working, good for you. ...