I give props to Dale Chumbley and Irina Netchaev, two real estate agents who publish a blog post just about every day. They don’t just talk about Real Estate, they talk about their local communities too (because guess what, clients don’t just want to know prices, they want to know what it’s like to actually live in a community). I’ve spoken to both of them about their process before and I even interviewed Dale live here on the site. So today, I thought I’d share some tips for how YOU can write a blog post (almost) every day.
How To Write A Blog Post (Almost) Every Day
- Make it part of your prospecting time! (That’s how Irina does it). If your blog is your business and is supposed to serve as a lead generation source for you, treat it like a business and put some good ol’ fashioned hustle into it.
- Schedule (at least) 30 minutes a day to sit down and write. Close Twitter. Close Facebook and just sit down and write. It’s ok, if you don’t publish everything you write, the idea here is start building it into a habit.
- Take photos everywhere you go. If you’re a REALTOR®, you spend a lot of time out in the field… Take pictures and capture video everywhere you go (this is an opportunity for new, fresh, daily content). Just look at what Dale does (daily).
- The next time a client or prospective client asks you a question, blog your response! There’s no easier way to come up with things to write about. My guess is, if you do this, you’ll automatically have (at least) ten post topics today alone. Am I right?
- Keep a pen and paper handy. Write down post titles (as inspiration strikes) on a post-it note or in your notebook (I use a Moleskine Ruled Notebook to jot down my writing ideas and post titles).
- Read. Read. Read. Then, read some more. Subscribe to blogs both in- and outside of your industry. Look at what others are doing and find creative ways to implement some ideas in your own style and unique voice.
- Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Just publish it already. If you find a typo, you can edit it later. The idea is to just get it out there and to do so consistently. In the end, practice makes perfect so the more you write, the better you’ll get.
- Going to a seminar (or conference)? Write a recap post filled with photos and video content. Here are two examples from some LinkedOC events that I’ve attended in the past: 1.) Recap w/Chris Brogan, 2.) Recap w/Scott Stratten. Then share it with the people you connect with at the event.
- Having trouble coming up with words to type? Try audio or video (did you know I have a podcast?). Again, this is perfect if you’re a REALTOR® and you spend a lot of time out in the field. For example, look at the awesome video walk-thru Irina did as a part of her Foreclosure Friday Series.
- Bookmark the good stuff. You don’t have to print every interesting little thing you read. Use a bookmarking service like Delicious (that’s what I use). This way, you can easily and quickly reference things later.
What would YOU add?
Writing takes time. Sometimes, it can be difficult. In the end, practice makes perfect and doing a little bit each and every single day builds a good habit.
What would you add? What are some of your writing rituals and suggestions for building a consistent writing habit?
Ricardo, good reminders to help folks get going. With the new year here, I'm also trying to encourage some friends and former colleagues to talk about blogging less–and to just start doing it!
Sure, some weeks will get the best of you (January has been a killer for me!), but it takes a commitment to yourself and your mission to make the time to execute your goals. All the world is potential content, so all it takes is an open mind to get the juices flowing.
As for me, photo taking is big. I also jot down blog ideas whenever I have them. I might write the post the next day, or a few months later. But, I capture my idea when I have it. If you don't, you're destined to lose great content.
Amber @wordsdonewrite
I think you hit the number one way… Just Do it already!!! I wrote more when I stopped over analyzing everything I wrote.
Hey Daniel,
Yep, makes me think of the Nike slogan every time: Just Do It! (Wise words)
We over-analyze too many things far too often (myself included). Once you admit to yourself it doesn't have to be perfect and/or it never will be (to the perfectionist inside you anyway), you start to dish out some of your best work that way!
Thanks for the visit and the comment!!
I totally agree with you. Blogging has been one of my goals but I think reading has won the battle so far. It's been really hard to stay consistent with two blogs and when I write I freeze because the words just don't flow like they used to so in the end I'm without a blog post. Overcoming writer's block is my biggest challenge this year. 🙂
Write even when you don't feel like it. If you can't write, then read.
As long as you're doing one or the other, it's all good 🙂
Awesome man – Keeping a piece of paper with you! That's huge! I would add being “brain conscious,” knowing that you write your best when you get “creative,” which is characterized by brain activity. If you can train yourself to get into these states, awesome posts will always follow! I read, strategize, map blog posts out and even practice giving speeches in my living room to get into “state.” Great post.