There’s a couple of different ways that you can work with me…
Hire Me To Speak At Your Conference/Event:
I specialize in marketing and technology for the real estate industry. As VP of Real Estate Solutions for Copyblogger Media, LLC. I regularly speak and consult with some of the most influential organizations in real estate about blogging, WordPress for real estate, social networking, lead generation and technology.
Here is a list of previous & upcoming speaking engagements and my presentation topics.
IDX Integration & Copywriting:
One of the primary reasons consumers are coming to your website is to search for homes. With an IDX subscription from a company like Diverse Solutions, your site will have home search abilities that
Once you’ve purchased your IDX subscription, I’ll install and optimize your IDX landing pages using things like custom sidebars and custom link-structure. The rate for this is a one-time fee of $300.
Upon request, I can also bill hourly.
Feel free to contact me for a quote.
Subscribe to Real Estate Blog Topics:
Real Estate Blog Topics is a subscription based newsletter/community designed to help real estate agents, mortgage professionals and solo-preneurs build a better blog.
WordPress Consulting:
- WordPress Design –
- WordPress Consulting –