I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine the other day about blog comments, subscribers, etc. About how “un-motivating” it can be to have too few of either (comments or subscribers). And it got me thinking. We’ve all been there. We stare at our inbox looking for signs of that first comment or we incessantly check our site stats and Feedburner stats for signs of life at a new subscriber.
If your blog gets few comments (and they’re few and far between), don’t fret. We’ve all be there (me too). After all, it’s hard to keep writing when you feel like no one is reading. It’s discouraging. You’re pouring your heart out, sharing your knowledge and it feels like no one is listening. Ever feel that way?
It’s ok. Again, we’ve all been there.
Keep writing. Keep publishing. Stay focused and persist. Because here’s the thing: it only takes one. One comment to get a conversation going. One subscriber that keeps visiting and bringing more. One post that goes viral attracting new site visitors.
Visit other blogs and leave comments there (it’s probably the fastest way to find new readers). Experiment and try new things (how about a video post). Identify your target audience and write stuff that’s relevant to them. Whatever you do, keep it fresh, keep it interesting and blog on.
Photo Credit: Mrs. Logic
Great point. Whenever I read something I like, I always make a note to leave a comment instead of reading and passing it by. Just like I'm doing now. I get to be the “first one.” 😛
Sometimes, I feel like I don't know what to say in which case I read and move along. I still share it through places like Twitter. But it's not the same.
Thanks for the comment!
Hi Ricardo,
Just perusing your blog… you certainly know your stuff. I'm catching onto the social media thing now after much resistance. Thanks for all the tips… I will follow along… there is still so much to learn!
Rob: well thank you kindly and thanks so much for taking the time to visit and comment!
The best way to learn is to just do… Even if it takes baby steps along the way. There's not “one” right way to do things. If I can lend some help along the way, great. And if we learn something together in the process, even better!
Hi Ric
Thing about no comments is that you can start to think that people are not interested in what you're saying and become disheartened.
I 've been surprised by the community spirit amongst bloggers and leaving a comment on a blog will often lead to a comment in return.
I would also say use a couple of great plugins:
1 – Subscribe to comments plugin – to get the conversation within the comments going.
2 – CommentLuv plugin – to give visitors an incentive to leave a comment.
BTW – love the clean lines of your theme.
Keith: so true in regards to the sentiments and way people feel when starting a new blog and getting no comments. That's what makes it so great when you get your first comment, reader, subscriber, etc.
In regards to plugins: been enjoying the options provided by Disqus very much. Though I should probably try using something like the CommentLuv Plugin as well (I'll give it a spin this week).
In regards to the theme: thank you very much! It's been a work-in-progress finding the right theme to suit the site. I think I've finally found it and am very pleased with the clean lay-out and feedback so far. I think we have a keeper!
Good topic to talk about! I have a simple bog just because I like, I write when I feel inspired to and I really don't care on writing about hot topics. At the end of this it's fine having few visitors because it gives me some kind of peace.
Tania: I think that's a great feeling and way to go about it: “writing when you feel inspired.”
That's how it started out for me at first. Something about being able to say what you want and share it with others that have similar interests… I don't know, it just feels good!
Thanks for the comment and for stopping by!
Hi Richardo.
I echo your sentiments on leaving comments on other blogs. When I first started I just thought people would show up. Although one or two did, it wasn't until I got “out there” that I was able to see the possibilities.
Not exactly one of those “build it and they will come” kinda things huh… We have to put ourselves out there as well.
Thanks for stopping by Barbara. Always great to see you!
Thanks for the words of encouragement from a newish blogger. It isn't a “you build it, they will come” kind of world. 🙂
Not always. But all it takes is a little momentum and it always just starts with one. Welcome to the blogosphere Shanna!